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In the tavern you can do various activities, you will find a notice board with requests for help for adventurers and also Jonas the tavern owner who likes to bet his coins on some games.
The adventures are divided into two types, some are free like the first two and others are NFTs that you must keep in your wallet if you want to play them.
You can find adventures on NFTHive https://nfthive.io/collection/pixeldungeon?tab=drops
When you enter an adventure the interface changes with your hero's health information, potions in your inventory and actions your character can do.
In some situations there may be more than one action available, the actions may be "fight", "search", "flee" or "roll".
In a fight the game mechanics are turn-based, the opportunity always lies with the player attacking first, the player rolls a d20 die to which his strength modifier is added. The result is against the enemy's armor class. If it is surpassed, then a weapon die is rolled. For example, the player has a long sword, so he rolls a d8 die and the result is subtracted from the enemy's energy. On the enemy's turn the same thing happens until one of the two dies.
In case of winning the battle, the player receives some random coins between 1 and 5 and some experience also randomly between 10 and 50.
In combat, the stone skin potion can help you by adding +10 to your armor class.
Formula: ENEMY ARMOUR < (RAND(1,20) + (STR-10)/2) = ENEMY HP - WEAPON DAMAGE
At some points in the adventure the adventurer is allowed to make a search roll in the environment, if they are lucky they can find extra resources. The player's intelligence modifier will be added to the die result.
When a battle threatens you will be given the opportunity to flee from combat rather than going to certain death that leaves you with no life points. You will return safely to your quarters in the tavern.
During the adventure you will have to make decisions, every time you are asked to roll a die you will know what modifier will be applied and what success number is required. Be careful, sometimes a mistake can result in an injury with the consequent loss of health.